Feedback Thoughts

So now it's time to talk about something that is a little scary for me...Feedback. I know that it makes you think, work harder, and ultimately be better. For most of my life though, I have been terrified of receiving feedback for fear that I would hear something that I didn't like or that my feelings would be hurt. Learning more about why failure and feedback are both necessary parts of the creative process, though has given me a new perspective. The first article that I read while researching this idea was "Talking about Failure is Crucial For Growth. Here's How to Do It Right." This article was particularly interesting to me because of its emphasis on actually speaking out loud about your failures when they happen. From personal experience, it has always been my instinct to hide from or ignore my failures instead of learning why they happened and how I can do better next time. Failure is not something to be ashamed, but something to learn from. This article g...