Week 11 Story: The Vampire Gets Married

Vampire by FriedC. Web source: Wikimedia Commons. A long time ago, there was an old woman who was a widow. She had a beautiful daughter named Zelda. The old woman taught her daughter that the most import thing is to marry a man who can cook so that she would never go hungry. Years later, a handsome many named Henry fell in love with Zelda. Once he finally worked up the courage, he asked Zelda's mother for permission to marry her daughter. The old woman said that she would give her blessing if and only if Henry could prove that he could prepare a wonderful meal for all of them. "I can do it. No problem at all," Henry answered nervously. He left for a long time, and finally came back with a burnt and barely edible vegetable casserole. "It's...umm really good," Zelda said, trying her best to not let her face give away how awful the food was. "This is terrible. It's the worst food I've ever eaten!" the old woman exclaimed. H...