Reading Notes: Brer Rabbit, Part B
Brer Rabbit illustration. Web source: Wikimedia Commons.
Here are my notes from one of the stories from the second half of the Brer Rabbit reading unit.
Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again
Brer Rabbit and Brer Buzzard agreed that they were going to share some crops. The Buzzard did not get any crops, and Rabbit acted like he did not get any either. Buzzard claims that if he and Rabbit are able to go across the river, they will find a lot of crops to share. Brer Buzzard is going to fly Rabbit on his back in order to get across the river.
The two rest on a tree branch and Rabbit says that he has his own crop that he can share with Buzzard. Rabbit convinces Buzzard to bring him back across the river and has to promise that he is actually going to split the crop up fairly. When they got back, Rabbit had trouble walking from being weak in the knees for a month later.
This story features characters that have previously been at odds working together. I think that this is a positive message that might be fun to recreate in a future story.
- dishonest
- tricky
- clever
Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again from from Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation, by Joel Chandler Harris. Web source: the UN-Textbook.
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