Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part B

Alice in Wonderland by Yulia Avgustinovish. Web source: Creative Commons. 

A Mad Tea Party (Part 1)

This story moves further into the future than my earlier notes, so Alice and her eclectic group of friends are already in Wonderland. The Mad Hatter has joined us and the Hare is also present at the party. There is a giant table at the party, but it still somehow seems very crowded. There was a ton a different teas on the table, but that's all there was: tea. Alice apologizes for taking a seat at the Hare's table without being invited. The Hatter finally speaks to Alice and says that her hair needs cutting, to which Alice is surprised and a little uncomfortable. The Mad Hatter begins telling riddles to Alice and she is thrilled that they are finally going to have some fun.

The Hatter and Hare are definitely entertaining to Alice, but she realizes that she doesn't completely understand them, even though they seems to be speaking English like her. There are so many colorful parts of this story, and I think that changing up some the of topics at the tea party would be fun.


Chapter VII. A Mad Tea Party from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Web source: The UN-Textbook. 


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