Reading Notes: Aesop (Winter), Part A
Here are my notes from the Part A reading for week 3.
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The Wolf and the Kid
- The Kid believes that it is grown and able to take care of itself.
- Once the Kid is alone, the Wolf comes up to him. The knows that he is doomed and asks the Wolf if he can play a song before eating the Kid.
-Shepherd dogs heard the song, and chases the Wolf away.
- The Kid is safe, and the Wolf regrets not eating it right away.
The Tortoise and the Ducks
- A tortoise wishes that he could fly and is lifted into the sky by two duck by holding onto a string with his mouth. When he opens his mouth to say something unnecessary to the birds, he falls and is killed.
- Just because you wish to fly, does not mean that it will bring you prosperity.
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The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
- The dog and the cock were good friends, and left the farm to go on an adventure. The cock forgot where he was and made a noise that got the attention of a fox. When the fox approached the cock, he thought that he was going to be able to eat it, but instead, the dog ate the fox.
The Eagle and the Jackdaw
-An eagle gets its talons caught in the wool of a ram and gets the name of a jackdaw.
The Boy and the Filberts
- A boy tries to grab too many filberts out of a pitcher.
- This teaches the lesson to not reach for more than you can handle.
Page 3
The Ass and his Driver
- An ass tries to choose his own path, and his driver eventually lets him go his own way. The ass the falls off the side of the mountain without the guidance of his driver.
- You do not always know where you are going.
The Oxen and the Wheels
- Two oxen are doing the hard work of pulling a cart with wheel that are squeaking and complaining even though the oxen are the ones doing the most work.
The Gnat and the Bull
- A gnat apologizes for having landed on a bull, the bull says that he does not care because he didn't even notice the gnat.
-Sometimes things seem like a bigger deal to you than to someone else.
The Plane Tree
- Two travelers try to find shade notice the fruitless plane tree. The tree says that they are ungrateful because they insult the tree even though they are enjoying its shade.
- Sometimes we don't appreciate the best part of people.
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The Sheep and the Pig
- A shepherd discover a fat pig in the sheep pasture one day and cruelly grabs it. The pig squeals and the sheep said that they would be embarrassed if they made such a fuss over the shepherd grabbing them. The pig explains that this is because sheep are grabbed for their wool, not for their meat.
- It's not hard to act tough when not much is on the line.
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The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
- A lion and a bear were fighting over prey. After they wore themselves out, a fox came along and took the prey.
- Fighting for something does not always guarantee that you will get what you want.
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The Monkey and the Cat
- A monkey and a cat were pets in a home together. The animals were friends, and they always had good on the mind. They argue about who should be the ones to grab the chestnuts off of the fire. The monkey complimented the cat, which caused the cat to burn its hands.
- Just because someone says something nice about you, does not mean that they have your best interest at heart.
Overall, these stories emphasize the importance of minding your own business and thinking cautiously.
The Aesop for Children. Author unknown. Illustrated by Milo Winter. Web source: UnTextbook.
The Wolf and the Lamb State 1 by Wenceslaus Hollar. Web source: Wikimedia Commons.
Page 1
The Wolf and the Kid
- The Kid believes that it is grown and able to take care of itself.
- Once the Kid is alone, the Wolf comes up to him. The knows that he is doomed and asks the Wolf if he can play a song before eating the Kid.
-Shepherd dogs heard the song, and chases the Wolf away.
- The Kid is safe, and the Wolf regrets not eating it right away.
The Tortoise and the Ducks
- A tortoise wishes that he could fly and is lifted into the sky by two duck by holding onto a string with his mouth. When he opens his mouth to say something unnecessary to the birds, he falls and is killed.
- Just because you wish to fly, does not mean that it will bring you prosperity.
Page 2
The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
- The dog and the cock were good friends, and left the farm to go on an adventure. The cock forgot where he was and made a noise that got the attention of a fox. When the fox approached the cock, he thought that he was going to be able to eat it, but instead, the dog ate the fox.
The Eagle and the Jackdaw
-An eagle gets its talons caught in the wool of a ram and gets the name of a jackdaw.
The Boy and the Filberts
- A boy tries to grab too many filberts out of a pitcher.
- This teaches the lesson to not reach for more than you can handle.
Page 3
The Ass and his Driver
- An ass tries to choose his own path, and his driver eventually lets him go his own way. The ass the falls off the side of the mountain without the guidance of his driver.
- You do not always know where you are going.
The Oxen and the Wheels
- Two oxen are doing the hard work of pulling a cart with wheel that are squeaking and complaining even though the oxen are the ones doing the most work.
The Gnat and the Bull
- A gnat apologizes for having landed on a bull, the bull says that he does not care because he didn't even notice the gnat.
-Sometimes things seem like a bigger deal to you than to someone else.
The Plane Tree
- Two travelers try to find shade notice the fruitless plane tree. The tree says that they are ungrateful because they insult the tree even though they are enjoying its shade.
- Sometimes we don't appreciate the best part of people.
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The Sheep and the Pig
- A shepherd discover a fat pig in the sheep pasture one day and cruelly grabs it. The pig squeals and the sheep said that they would be embarrassed if they made such a fuss over the shepherd grabbing them. The pig explains that this is because sheep are grabbed for their wool, not for their meat.
- It's not hard to act tough when not much is on the line.
Page 7
The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
- A lion and a bear were fighting over prey. After they wore themselves out, a fox came along and took the prey.
- Fighting for something does not always guarantee that you will get what you want.
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The Monkey and the Cat
- A monkey and a cat were pets in a home together. The animals were friends, and they always had good on the mind. They argue about who should be the ones to grab the chestnuts off of the fire. The monkey complimented the cat, which caused the cat to burn its hands.
- Just because someone says something nice about you, does not mean that they have your best interest at heart.
Overall, these stories emphasize the importance of minding your own business and thinking cautiously.
The Aesop for Children. Author unknown. Illustrated by Milo Winter. Web source: UnTextbook.
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